Course image PAL171_S2_A_23: Text And Performance
Module Code: PAL171
Academic year: 23
Semester: S2
Occurrence: A
Level: L4
Location: BO

Text and Performance: Dramaturgies of the Real: AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PERFORMANCE                             

 (Level 4) Semester 2, Feb - Mar 2024 

Text and Performance builds on your acquired skills from Narrative. This semester we will explore the basic component parts and create an autobiographical performance.  

You will create a scripted, authentic, autobiographical performance, based on one or more of the examples you studied. The sessions will introduce you to key concepts and themes essential to autobiographical performance. The course will explore key ideas about autobiographical performance and its study. These sessions will be workshop / seminar based and will be designed to further develop your skills as performers and to use autobiographical performance methods and practices to develop your own new work. You’ll be expected to work together in every class session run by a tutor; you will also be expected to prepare for these sessions outside of class time. Some of the work will involve you doing research independently; some of your work will be with other students, with whom you will meet regularly to share ideas, work practically and report back on what you have learnt and achieved.

Course image PAL170_S1_A_23: Physical Theatre
Module Code: PAL170
Academic year: 23
Semester: S1
Occurrence: A
Level: L4
Location: BO