Course image SCHDIRPR_21: School Direct Primary
Institute Of Education
Module Code: SCHDIRPR
Academic year: 21
Semester: AY
Occurrence: A
Location: BR

 Programme Aims

The School Direct programme aims to provide a rigorous and effective initial teacher education, meeting local needs. It enables trainee teachers to improve their skills and to teach effectively in the context of national frameworks and our vision of a University of a Chichester teacher (as defined by Staff, trainees and our partnerships representatives.

These aims are informed by our Vision for a University of Chichester Teacher that recognises that as trainee teachers look towards their ECT year, we aim for them to be:

Skilled and knowledgeable:

·       Critical, analytical, independent thinkers and who are articulate, literate, numerate, digitally literate and able to communicate well to build positive relationships.

·       Committed to CPD, ensuring that teaching knowledge and skills remain current.


A global citizen:

·       Empathic, globally aware, courageous and committed to social justice.

·       Agents for change, creating inclusive environments that challenge injustice, promote sustainability and engender global responsibility.


A good role model:

·       Able to reflect upon their experiences in university and school and act upon what they have learned.

·       Demonstrating the highest standards of professionalism, hard work, honesty and integrity.

·       Able to inspire and motivate children by their love of learning.


Aspirational, inspirational and motivational:

·       Keen to inspire and motivate future generations, driven by a passion for learning and creativity.

·       Emotionally intelligent, resilient, open to challenge and prepared to take calculated risks.