Course image APP02_S2_A_21: Advanced Critical Analysis And Decision Making
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: APP02
Academic year: 21
Semester: S2
Occurrence: A
Level: L7
Location: BO

The module will focus on the development of the critical thinking and analytical skills required by experienced professionals. There will be a particular emphasis on the exploration of critical analysis and decision making in the context of: uncertainty; incomplete or contradictory information; when working under pressure of time; or in conflictual or emotive situations.

Course image APP21_S2_B_20: Positive Approaches To Risk And Intervention
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: APP21
Academic year: 20
Semester: S2
Occurrence: B
Level: L7
Location: BO

The notion of positive risk taking, risk assessment, intervention and the ongoing evaluation of risk are core components of the practitioners’ skill set. This module asks the student to step back from their practice and critically evaluate the tools that they use for the management of risk. Students will be asked to identify current policy and legislative framework theory and research   and use this context to   critically reflect on their own experience of working with service users. the module is relevant to practitioners working in both adult and children’s services. 

The module will be highly participative, and students will be encouraged to learn from each other as well as from direct teaching.