Course image APP13_AY_A_20: Practice Education Stage 2
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: APP13
Academic year: 20
Semester: AY
Occurrence: A
Level: L7
Location: BO

Welcome to this handbook which is designed to take you through the Practice Education Stage 2 course, which is also known as App13.

The stage 2 of the module refers to the Practice Educator Programme Standards or "PEPS" for short.  These are defined by a number of domains which have been devised to enable the progressive development of Practice Educators.

Course image SWK412_S1_B_19: Skills For Practice 1
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: SWK412
Academic year: 19
Semester: S1
Occurrence: B
Level: L4
Location: BO

This module aims to develop the intellectual and practical skills that will be of value in a variety of situations and will include the development of self-awareness, problem solving, reflection and reflexive skills.  It will prepare you to communicate effectively with a range of people in a complex and diverse society and enable you to identify existing skills and knowledge and to take responsibility for developing and using these skills in a competent way. The module will introduce you to the ethical issues and professional codes of practice in relation to intervening in the lives of others