Course image APP16_S2_B_19: Specialist Knowledge In Practice 1
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: APP16
Academic year: 19
Semester: S2
Occurrence: B
Level: L7
Location: BO

This is the module within which the academic element of the ASYE teaching sits (worth 10 academic credits) so stands on its own as an assessed piece of academic work. This module feeds into and informs the final portfolio of assessed practice for ASYE. 

Students usually identify a complex case study as a reflective evaluative PRESENTATION (developed over time) as opposed to a ‘one-off’ critical evaluation – so may still be ‘work in progress’.

The intention is that the preparation for this presentation that you do will help, support and develop your thinking/work further that you will submit as  one of your final critical reflective logs. 

Course image SWK606_S1_A_19: Ethics And Professional Dilemmas
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: SWK606
Academic year: 19
Semester: S1
Occurrence: A
Level: L6
Location: BO

  • To develop the ability to apply philosophical ethics and ethical reasoning, as a tool for exploring value dilemmas and conflicts in interpersonal and professional contexts.
  • To enable students to critically examine their values and to consider in greater depth the range of factors, including organisational, cultural and political influences, which inform their judgements
  • To consider strategies that develop personal resilience alongside seeking to contribute to making resilient organisations
  • To enable understanding of the contested nature, scope and purpose of social work in an unequal society.

Learning Outcomes : at the conclusion of this module you should be able to:

1.      critically reflect on your own value base

2.      identify potential areas of conflict between individual, professional, organisational and societal values

3.      apply ethical reasoning to a range of human rights issues and practice dilemmas

4.      critically analyse the impact of authority and power at a personal, professional and structural level.                           

5.      develop strategies to counter oppression and empower themselves and others 

6.      present and defend a reasoned argument based on ethical principles 

Indicative Curriculum content

  1. Philosophical ethics: including principles, relationships, virtue and radical approaches. 
  1. Ideology: the process of formation and change. 
  1. A critical exploration of the relationship and the tensions between personal values, professional codes of conduct, organisational and societal values. 
  1. Traditional and radical values in social policy and social care.  Social justice and the theory and practice of empowerment.  Partnership, user participation, anti-discrimination, anti-oppression and anti-racism.