Course image SWK607_AY_A_21: Complexity And Risk
Social Work And Social Care
Module Code: SWK607
Academic year: 21
Semester: AY
Occurrence: A
Level: L6
Location: BO

As a qualified Social Worker, you will need to understand and evaluate complex situations, where nothing may be as it first appears and what you are told may be limited or misleading. This module will enable you to develop your skills in using observation and explore the multi-faceted factors that impact on our understanding, interpretation and analysis of information, including that from non-verbal, verbal and written sources. 

The module will also help to develop your awareness of the impact of your identity and experience, and the sense that you make of the situations that you are working in. It will help you develop your ability to use theory to inform your analysis and decision-making processes. It will address the relevant PCF practice requirements and the threshold requirements for entry into social work (Standards of Proficiency for Qualifying Social Workers, 2012).